I've been experimenting this for about 6 months or 8. I see the image now, very clearly. It depends on what the mankind repeatedly to do and the basic concept of relationships among human.
When a man started a scene, by any means...
if u let him walk over u, if he makes u feel like an idiot yet u do nothing just try not to make things worst...silap besar. If they bark, barks back, double up the volume u received. That's how the systems go. That's what they teach me. They taught me well.
Tak percaya kau try : bila depa provok, kau cuba diam dan create peace. Depa akan teruskan provok sampai kau rasa nak terjun gaung. Akan berlarutan up until 3 months or more.
Another experiment : bila depa provok dan cuba cari silap, kau 'kimak'kan tepat ke dahi mereka. Nescaya senyap. Apa yang berlaku selepas 3 bulan itu mungkin terpulang pada masing-masing. But for me, I make friends with everybody until they proves to be other than that.
Memang magic. Mamat tu senyap terus dan dia makan tahi sendiri. Same goes to perempuan itu. Go fuck yourself.
*kalau nak tahu, facebook yang banyak influence aku dalam mencarut pelbagai teknik. Kadang-kala terbawa ke alam realiti. Terima kasih facepook.
“Mankind is like dogs, not gods – as long as you don't get mad they'll bite you – but stay mad and you'll never be bitten. Dogs don't respect humility and sorrow” - Jack Kerouac
I can't believe I have becoming one of them.
kau membawa aku ke lembah kimak. terima kasih. aku pun terbawa2 ke kehidupan aku yang baru nak suci. ooo yeah.
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